First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Do you have Instagram or would you be willing to create an account for adoption promotion?
How did you hear about us?
Have you fostered before? If so, tell us about it!
How long can you commit to fostering?
Our aim is for a dog to leave the shelter and never go back. With ample notice, we do our best to find coverage from a pool of LAAS approved fosters. We understand that fosters may have work trips, family vacations, or events they need to attend out of town, so with 6 weeks notice (or more!) we will do our best to help find coverage.
I can commit to fostering a dog until they are adopted. I understand this varies (and can be hard to predict)
I can only foster for short periods
If you already have time away planned, please provide the details:
What energy level is best for you?
Check all that apply
Low: snoozing potato
Medium: neighborhood walks
Semi-active: weekend hiker or jogger
Active: daily activity with my dog
Is everyone in the household on board to foster a dog?
Yes, I spoke to my whole household.
No, I’m still negotiating.
If there are other pets in the household, are you able to keep animals separated during initial integration and beyond, if needed?
Do you have permission from the property owner to foster a dog?
Yes, I either am the owner or have permission from my landlord for a medium/large dog.
Not yet, I still need to talk to the landlord.
No, I do not have permission.
Are there any breed/size restrictions or insurance policy needed in your building?
Do you have stairs leading into or inside your home?
Nope, it’s totally flat.
There are just a few steps.
A flight or more is required to get in and out.
Do you have an enclosed outdoor area? Please include information about size, fence/gate height and material, ground material and if any neighboring dogs.
Describe the area around your home.
Check all that apply.
Very quiet, I rarely see people or dogs.
Some foot traffic I can avoid dogs, people, and cars.
I encounter a lot of people on my walking route.
I encounter well-behaved, leashed dogs on my walking route.
My neighborhood has a lot of barking dogs behind fences.
My neighborhood has a lot of unavoidable stimulation.
What is your experience with dogs? Did you grow up with, own, care for, dogsit, foster, etc? Please mention size, breed, temperament and your involvement in care.
Do you have any experience with any behavioral modification or training? Please describe if you have have experience house training, crate training, basic obedience, reactivity, separation anxiety, stranger danger, etc.
I understand that DCLA will suggest a foster dog for me based on fit first and then take into account any breed or aesthetic preferences.
Got it!
All foster dogs need to learn things such as house, crate, leash walking and may bark, cry, or have accidents in the house at first.
Fostering is about helping a dog get out of the shelter and into a home, it requires work, patience, consistency, and compassion! I can make it to at least 4 leash walking classes and regularly attend weekly zoom check-ins until the team feels my foster dog is settled.
Able and willing to do the work!
I shall indemnify and hold harmless DCLA and its successors and assigns (and its and their officers, directors, employees, sublicensees, agents and volunteers) from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, settlements, expenses and costs (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of the performance of or with relation to any of the work or services to be performed of furnished by this agreement, including, without limitation, any third-party claims relating to any injury or illness associated with services.
I agree that everything I have stated herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am bound to the terms of this agreement.
I grant DCLA the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to publish, distribute, exhibit or otherwise use the photographs taken me. I acknowledge that the images may be used, without limitations, in print publications, online publications, websites and on social media.
I agree
It is very common for dogs to have viruses or parasites in the shelter, so we highly recommend that dogs get a fecal test soon after they leave the shelter (especially if there are multiple dogs in the home). Negative fecal tests are also required for the dog to attend any playgroups. At our reduced rate, the tests are usually approximately $60.
I will plan to do it and can cover the cost.
Declining to do the fecal test and understand the health risks and limited participation to program.